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Scottish Pride

It’s a great time to be Scottish folks! Well its always great being a Scot but there are just so many exciting things happening right now!  There has been a big yellow ball up in the sky for sometime now and its turning all us pasty Scots a bit pink and freckly! We are of course referring to THE SUN! Anyone who has visited Scotland will know that sun is a rare phenomenon in our country but it has made wedding season all the better in Scotland! There is nothing better than the sun shining on your special day! As a kilt maker and highland outfitter it’s a very busy spell for us! With wedding season in full swing love is in the air and kilts are being worn all over the world! It’s been a busy few weeks at Houstons! We’ve had orders placed from USA, Australia, Belgium, London, Zimbabwe, Dubai, Wales and we have had visitors in store from the Channel Islands, Cyprus and Norway! With so much badness happening in the world it’s nice to hear of so many couples getting married and of course we are delighted that kilts are part of the occasion!

Customer wedding in sunny Mexico

It fills us with pride to know that kilts are so popular around the globe and so many of you want to honour your Scottish heritage. Kilts are not just for weddings, they can be wore to any occasion… even marathons! We were recently contacted by Jamie who was part of a team organizing America’s first ever nonstop running relay from Los Angeles to Boston. The event was created to raise funds and awareness for The One Fund Boston which supports victims of the tragic events of this year’s Boston and their families. Jamie wanted to have a kilt sent to his accommodation in New York so he could wear it during media interviews and for the marathon, and we were only too happy to oblige! We delighted that Jamie wanted to honour his Scottish roots and that a Houstons kilt could play a part in such a fantastic event!

Jamie running for the One Fund Boston charity in his Houstons kilt

Jamie recently got in touch to thank us for our support and provided pictures of the event. Everyone wanted a photo with the man in the kilt! Houston’s would like to congratulate all who took part, participants collectively raised $91,000 an incredible amount of money!

There is a lot going on in Scotland as we prepare to host the 2014 Commonwealth Games. It will be great for the country and a great opportunity for many Scottish sportsmen and women training to compete for the games! Above all it will enhance Scottish patriotism as we cheer together at the games!

Yes folks it truly is a great time to be Scottish so wear your kilts (and trews) with pride! One customer summed it up perfectly for us when he said,

‘Kilts are a great conversation starter wherever in the world you are. Ladies love them.. And my Houston tartan trousers in my picture!’ Customer Scott Carmichael.

Scott Carmichael in his tartan trews

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